Using the displayed image, I proceeded to texture my Invisible Hand model. Again, due to a lack of time and available resources from the internet, I resorted to using block colours. Despite this, I feel that he textured model looks quite nice, and is certainly a significant improvement from what it was before. The main thing, which I claimed earlier in the blog, is that the texture would fix the bit along the middle which is flat and less detailed, and the black texture I have applied does the job. It casts it into shadow as well as an actual shadow would.
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Firstly, I selected the whole object and applied a dark grey Lambert. I then selected some of the faces around the side and set them to be a dark blue Lambert, sometimes with another white Lambert in between, to give the ship its actual colour scheme. I noticed that on the actual image it looks more flecked, as in some areas are a lighter grey than others. Therefore, I selected every other row of faces along the ship and applied a slightly lighter grey to make it look more realistic. Obviously it still doesn't look realistic as such but it's better than nothing. An actual texture is impossible for me to access at the moment. Fortunately most of the ship is one colour anyway, and will be generally viewed from a long shot, except for the hangar scene where the electric field effects will be the attention grabbing aspect of the shot anyway. Finally, I applied the same metallic Blinn I used on the Venator to the Invisible Hand's engines, and set the middle section of the ship to black, giving a shadowy effect. Hopefully later on using special effects I will be able to make the shadow look more like an actual shadow using proper shadowing attributes.

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Now that the ship is textured, it does look much better, but unfortunately still not especially good. The colour updates should do for now though, and in future In would hope to have access to a way of getting proper detailed textures, as there are none on the internet which I could crop and properly fit to the model, as far as I am aware.
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