#63 - Animation - Rendering Problems

Unfortunately I have had many problems when trying to render my animation, and I will discuss how I overcame them here. I think it is important to understand why certain things in the animation are how they are. Once I had added my glow textures to the engines, I tried to render my 900 frames and the AVI file was too big for Maya to handle, and it would not export the file. I had to split my scene up into 200 frames at a time, just to get an exported file. The first time I tried this, the file was there but it was really laggy and took about 20 seconds to play a 7 second clip. To be able to get a rendered animation I will have to render groups of frames, about 200 at a time, or 100 for the last clip, then edit them back together once they have been compressed into mp4 files.

Another large problem I have is that my Jedi Star Fighter model is corrupt at home. I think it works at University, not use why at all, but I will have to wait to add this model in. If it does not work at University either, I will have to use a basic triangle shape instead, but I will add in the motion as it files into the hangar. I simply don't have time to fix this file or re-make the model. Clearly, this is not ideal, but it will have to do, and I will still have a full animation only with a much more basic model instead of the prepared Star fighter.

UPDATE: To prepare my animation I simply exported them out at 150 frames a time, then compressed them all into an mp4 and edited them together using YouTube to upload and re-download compressed files, resulting in a final 30 second clip. I pieced the separate clips together using Adobe Premiere Pro.

UPDATE: The Jedi Star Fighter model luckily did work on the University computers, so it is included in the animation. However, it is still crashing at home, where I am finishing the blog, so all of the screenshots will be from the rendered animation.


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