#41 - Model Texturing - Jedi Starfighter 1

When I attempted to begin texturing my first model, I ended up with absolutely no progress. This is because for some reason Maya will freeze if I so much as click on something sometimes. I have no idea why it is doing that but it is preventing me from getting any work done at the moment.

I did initially try to split the faces on the body of the star fighter up using the multi-cut tool, so I could texture the model using the patterns on the images I am using for comparison. Once I had the faces split up, I tried assigning a Lambert to a single face. This is when it started freezing frequently. I did manage to get the colour to change, however it changed the entire model rather than just the face I have selected. I will have to look into changing single faces before I continue.

Unfortunately, this texture error is kind of irrelevant due to Maya freezing again and losing all of the progress. At least it wasn't much progress, as I couldn't do much without it freezing. I was intending to begin by making the cockpit transparent but literally clicking the cockpit object makes Maya freeze.

Not a great start to the texturing process at all, and I dread to think how long it's going to take to animate everything if I can't even select an object. I will have to figure out to stop Maya freezing, because it was totally fine when I was creating my models. I also need to make sure I can change the texture of single faces before I continue, otherwise the whole thing will have to be one colour.

UPDATE: I have been informed that textures do not carry over from one file to another, so I am going to delay the whole texturing process until all three of my models are in a scene together. Hopefully, this scene will not have the same freezing issues as the current Jedi star fighter scene. In a way it could be a good thing that this scene is freezing because it has saved me a lot of texturing time. Furthermore, the file does not freeze on university computers, only mine, and re-installing Maya fixed nothing, so I will just have to hope the issue is limited to this file on my machine.


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