To decide which models to use, I watched a few clips from Star Wars films. The idea I had required some extra details which meant I needed to find the right ship to model, such as one with a hangar. After deciding upon using models based on ships in the third Star Wars film, I used Google image search to find images of the right ships, and discover the names for them. The Venator Class Star Destroyer is the Republican ship, and the Invisible Hand is the Separatist ship owned by General Grievous in the film. The Jedi Fighter will also be used. I had pasted all of the ships into a mood board together along with some extras and the following idea came to me: the Venator ship will fire an EMP blast at the Invisible Hand, and the shields at the rear will drop, allowing for the Jedi fighter hidden under the Invisible Hand to stealthily fly into the hanger before the shields are restored. As a result of this idea these are the three models I will definitely be using for my animation. I have a...